“If a year is not to be empty, you have to start early – J. W. von Goethe. „
We didn’t let anyone hear from us for a while, but we were still busy. Discussions with business partners, conditions, contracts, product selection, networking and the development of the online marketplace ’Naturally Sustainable‚ were important tasks, which we completed in the background. The shop is almost finished and we will publish the first leaks soon. This includes design, partners and products. In addition, we are organizing our pitch, which we will soon introduce to investors and some familiar faces. Who are the people? More about it soon! Not long and our shop is launched – stay tuned!
Update 19. 01. 2022:
For the time being, we decided to put the project on hold with the online shop, as we are not entirely satisfied with the development. We want to take it up again at a later stage with an expanded idea, better, more sustainable and cooler – stay tuned!
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